Friday, December 20, 2013

Preparation of a monthly production schedule

For preparation of the master production schedule, the following facts have been considered

Of the order of 75 stools, 15 are already available in stock and hence will be supplied from there
The inventory has to be kept minimum  the line needs to be balanced  hence production has been kept at a constant rate to 10 stools
The item with the longest lead time viz. Plastic covers will set the pace of the line and since it has an initial stock of zero and the lead time is 3 weeks, hence any production can start only from the third week onwards
Based on the inventory in stock, the remaining orders have been placed. This has been calculated based on the date of requirement of the item subassembly
It has been assumed that one week lead time means that the item is received in the same week the order has been placed and 2 weeks means that the order is received the week subsequent to the order placement week.
Safety stocks have not been considered as the firm in the current scenario does not seem to be adhering to the same and no costs or past consumption trends have been provided to calculate the actual safety stocks which should be maintained
The two diagrams below show the master production schedule for the next nine weeks to the time of culmination of the order.

Task 2

If we look at the distribution of the machines and the parts which are manufactured on the same, the following is the most suitable cellular layout which can be thought of.

In the design, machines 1  6 should be present in the first cell, machines 4, 5  7 should be present in the second cell and machines 2  3 should be present in the third cell. What this orientation will ensure is that parts A, E, B, I, K, F, H, G  J can all be produced from individual cells without intervention or queuing. Around 80 of the products fall in this category.

The above cellular design can further be improved if, either
Activities which are performed by machines 7  5 on parts C  D respectively can be performed by any of the machines 1 or 6, or
A separate machine should be procured which can perform the activities listed above, and
If none of the above is feasible, the first two cells should be placed close to each other and machines 5  7 should be in easy access from either of the first two cells.
Task 3

The following data has also been provided along with the table above
Number of pieces to be prepared      400
Precision required              40  0.12 mm

Based on the above data the calculations have been made as per the above table

Process capability  (USL-LSL) 6. This value should be greater than 1.33. In this case none of the processes are capable and the management should in-fact look for alternative sources for the requirement.
Total Cost  No. of units  Costunit
Total Time  No. of units  (Processing time  Set up time)
Power (given data)

From the above analysis, it can be inferred that among the available options, DMG-Deckel is the best. The time taken is exceptionally low, cost is moderate, power consumption is moderate and span is not a concern as 40 mm size pieces are required.

Task 4

The best orientation for manufacturing the part by Rapid Prototyping would be as per Orientation D. Rapid Prototyping relies on gradual development of a form using additive technology. The best way to develop the same is in cases where a symmetrical shape can be provided for the development. It is only in case of Orientation D that the entire part has a symmetry including the part M  N which would otherwise be difficult to develop considering the angle and variation in thickness.

Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) would be the best method for developing the surface as it is capable of producing extremely smooth surfaces which is one of the requirements in this case.


The build orientations for the following alternatives are as follows

Maximum area of base for the support  Clearly this would be the case Orientation B which has its support in the largest rectangular base
Minimum area of contact with support  This would best be done in the case of Orientation C since only one edge and tip of nozzle are in contact with the surface
Minimum height of part  Again the Orientation A would have the lowest height for the build as the part M-N is pointing downwards in that case.
Minimum facet roughness  This would be possible in case of Orientation D as the all portions of the part are clearly accessible for the build
Minimum volume of support  This is true for Orientation C which has minimum contact and hence minimum volume of support.


The best orientation to maintain the dimension M  N would be Orientation D as in none of the other cases the exact length is possible to be accurately ascertained as it is inclined and in that state there can be variations in the final length. However, it the portion M  N was perpendicular to the face of the part, then the Orientation B would have been more suitable as it would have been easier to develop the lengthwise build. Task 5

The advantages of adopting a lean culture is multifold and is not limited to the reduction in inventory as is the common perception. At the beginning, the lean philosophy differs from the six-sigma approach of statistical problem solving and hence can be embraced across the organization acros

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