Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Importance of engineering professional license

Engineering is a discipline, profession and art of applying technical, mathematical and scientific knowledge to design materials, structures, systems and processes that realize a desired invention. This discipline is very critical and requires professional discipline, license and observation of ethical practices related to engineering profession. This discipline is very risk and requires engineers to have license to prove that the engineer is competent and professionally qualified. Graduate engineers are supposed to sit fro specific tests so as to scrutinize them for their competence before a license is given out. Any engineer who is contracted to undertake a specific engineering job must produce a professional license to show that he or she is in a position to undertake engineering work. A license is important because it is an indication that the Board has approved the holder of such important document to be competent. In addition, engineering license is a document that governs engineers to work within codes of professional ethics and any engineer who breaches such codes is legally liable for mistakes committed (North Carolina Administrative Code, 2002).
In the engineering profession, there are specific ethical issues that an engineer is supposed to observe while carrying on with his or her duties. There are different ethical codes in the entire engineering profession that arises due to poor observations of various standards. This differs with the specific area in which engineers are working such as public sector especially government contracts or in an enterprise that basically produces goods fro sale. However, there are specific engineering ethics that aim at setting standards for engineers while on their duties to the public, employers and clients. Engineers are supposed to be observant and very keen while executing their duties so as to safeguard the livelihood of other individuals such clients, customers and employers. On the other hand, the code of ethics as observed by engineers aims at protecting the environment.
The first and paramount professional engineering ethics is to protect the safety, health and welfare of the public while fulfilling their professional duties. It is the responsibility of engineers to ensure that the welfare of public along the area of performing duties is well maintained. It involves a responsibility of public good which encompasses respect and protection of environment, care of individual cultural practices and protecting the well being of present and future generation. The engineer should respect first his or her obligation towards human health and consider if his performance has any consequences on environment. The environment supports the lives of many organisms including human beings and once it is interfered with, a lot of life is lost (North Carolina Administrative Code, 2002). This is achieved through issuance of a valid license that governs engineers to work within specific professional ethical codes. Engineers who breach professional ethics are supposed to face the law without fear and this will help other professional individuals to understand the importance of ethical conduct.
The second ethical issue related to engineering professional practice is that engineers are supposed to perform their duties within areas of competence. An engineer is supposed to perform his or her duties within a specific area of professional qualification. The specific areas of engineers include civil, mechanical, agricultural, production, electrical and architecture. When a particular job has been given, particular engineer is supposed to carry out duties in a professional manner without shifting to other areas of interest. This is done by issuance of a statement that is objective. It is also important for engineers to act in a professional manner because they are considered as trustees of clients and employers (PENC, n.d). Engineers should avoid conflicts while executing their duties through maintenance of professional knowledge and this will lead to a strong professional reputation. Once the engineers are considered to be faithful by their employees it is a sign that professional ethical obligation is observed and this is one way of developing a strong bond between engineers and clients.
The third ethical issue related to engineering professional practice is that engineers are supposed to act in such a manner that enhances upholding of dignity, honor and integrity of the profession. Engineers are not supposed to be corrupt or engage in fraudulent activities while performing their duties. It is unethical for engineers to be corrupt because this is considered as an abuse to engineering profession. While executing on their duties, engineers are supposed to be zero tolerance to any activity that is associated with corruption.

The provisions of engineering profession do not tolerate any practices of bribery or fraud and any engineer found to be corrupt faces the law. In addition, engineers are supposed to develop engineering profession throughout the career opportunity (General Statutes of North Carolina, 2000). This helps to provide and create opportunities for young engineers who are ready to engage in engineering career. It is also a way of professional development whereby engineers under supervision have the capacity to expose in specific fields of interest. This ethical provision has helped engineers to explore areas that are considered to be difficult and thus it leads to creation of a strong career development opportunity.

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