Monday, December 23, 2013

Article Critique

The key constituent of the global initiative to curb and reduce carbon dioxide and greenhouse emissions is efficient energy use. This is the substance of Cullen and Allwoods (2009 75) technical paper, which presents the best possible means to achieve efficient use of energy, by mapping out the worldwide flow of energy chains from fuels or energy sources to fuel conversion to service.

In their paper entitled The Efficient Use of Energy Tracing the Global Flow of Energy from Fuel to Service,
Cullen and Allwood (2009 75) posited that there are two dynamics that are important when appraising the potential benefits and advantages that societies and social sectors may obtain from energy efficiency technologies. These are the practical or scientific potential for development and the level or extent of energy flow. The authors acknowledged the fact that most efficiency studies and investigations mainly focus on the potential benefits and gains from existing and available efficiency technologies. These efficiency technologies are mainly applied in energy-intensive industries, such as cement, steel, iron, paper and pulp, petroleum refining, and chemical manufacturing, among others (IPCC 2007 460). The problem, they argued, is that most efficiency analyses disregard the multifaceted flow of energy through the strings of conversion devices (Cullen and Allwood 2009 75).

The primary objective of the authors paper is to trace the worldwide flow of energy, from fuels or petroleum products through socially beneficial services, and to concentrate on the passive systems and the technical conversion mechanisms in each energy chain. It is the goal of their paper to identify the technical areas, which could probably produce the highest level of efficiency gain by means of tracing the complexity and scale of global energy.

Cullen and Allwood (2009 75) applied the Sankey Diagram, developed and utilized by the Irish engineer Riall Sankey in 1988, to map the scale of energy use. The Sankey diagram is a crucial graphical instrument for plotting the chains of energy flow (Twidell and Weir 2006 10). The World Resources Institute (WRI) whose study points to human activities as the primary cause of greenhouse emissions had also used such a diagram. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) also used the Sankey diagram (Evans 2007 16). The diagram is primarily valuable for presenting visually, the relative range or degree of energy flows. Cullen and Allwood (2009 76) discovered that Sankey diagrams are deficient for the purpose of assessing efficiency benefits, for two reasons. The first reason is that the diagram is usually used to map prime energy through electric generation, and then split such energy streams into various industrial sectors for which statistical information is readily obtainable (Gale 2002 13). These commercial and industrial sectors may be industries, buildings, transport, etc (OECD 2002 201).

The second reason is that Sankey diagram is not sufficient to map the complete duration of each energy chain, from petroleum products or fuels to the socially beneficial services that benefit and serve consumers (Cullen and Allwood 2009 76). This is important because it these socially beneficial services, such as transport, comfortable housing, functional refrigeration, that really fulfill consumers desires and demands.
Cullen and Allwood (2009 76) argued that to better appreciate the general concept of global energy use it is highly important to map and discover the intricate series or strings of energy flow from readily available fuels through socially beneficial energy services. This complete length of energy flow has been qualitatively illustrated by past research and studies, however, the authors posited that there is not yet any scientific study that mapped the worldwide flow of energy in physical components, from petroleum products or readily available fuels to the mass distribution of ultimate energy services (Cullen and Allwood 2009 79). 

The methodology used in their study presented a new term passive system (Cullen and Allwood 2009 77).  Cullen and Allwood (2009 77) referred this system to the actually delivered useful energy like sound, cooling, light, motion, heat, etc. The authors identified the energy sources, which form part of the initial process of energy flow chain. End-use conversion devices were also tackled to explain how the material originated from energy sources went through the process of energy conversion. According to Cullen and Allwood (2009 77), passive systems play an important role in the chain process. They posited that each passive system is selected from three general groupings, such as building, factories, and vehicles. The definitive phase of the chain process are the final services, wherein the socially and industrially beneficial energy services is delivered to consumers and various social sectors.

Energy efficiency in a global context
A proper scientific understanding of the efficient use of energy is indeed a fundamental solution to worsening carbon emissions and the issue of global warming (DeGunther 2008 19). Cullen and Allwood (2009) presented the following aspects which play a very important role in evaluating societies potential benefits from the use of energy efficiency technologies the scientific potential for improvement or development and the scale or extent of energy flow. There is indeed a need to properly understand the scale of energy flow in order to identify several factors and issues involved in the entire energy chains (Strenstrom, Dubois and Katevenis 2008 192). It is commonly known that energy flow starts from the use of fuel to the delivery of final services, which satisfy growing human needs and demands (Downey, Morgan and Threet 2001 21).
The global flow of energy primarily involved four technical sectorsinitial energy sources, end-use conversion methods or mechanisms, passive systems, and the socially beneficial ultimate services Cullen and Allwood (2009). This energy chain can greatly help in the global problem of carbon dioxide emission and the current oil or energy crisis that affects most part of the world today (Gorelick 2009 18).

Two essential actions to overcome the worsening problems of the global energy and oil crisis are efficient energy use and energy conservation (Thumann and Younger 2008 223). Most countries today, particularly the developing nations, have profound interest in increasing peoples awareness on the efficient use of energy (Owen 1999 198). This is undeniably a practical and reasonable step toward solving the global energy crisis, however, the problem is that there is only very limited scientific information and studies that focused on the efficient use of energy (Cullen and Allwood 2009).

Technical and scientific information and studies is therefore needed in order to better inform societies on modern conservation and energy-saving technologies (Turney and Doty 2009 2). Several technical and scientific and studies reveal that energy efficiency technologies would result in more savings for businesses and household (National Research Council 2007 173). Identifying the energy efficiency technologies is important in understanding the benefits it might deliver to social sectors. However, it is also important to understand that obtaining the full deployment and benefits of these energy efficiency technologies will largely rely on various pressures that encourage adoption, such as legislation or policies, high-energy costs, among others. In the United States, almost 70 percent of electricity utilization takes place in buildings (Asplund 2008 65). 

A report from National Research Council reveals that energy efficient technologies could potentially eradicate the demand for new electricity generation facility by 2030 (Innovations Report 2009). The global energy crisis is now sending pressures to many developed countries to establish new power generation capacity in order to solve the worsening inequities in regional supplies of energy (Heinberg 2009 2). New generation facilities would also replace outmoded generation capacity and serve as an impetus for innovation by embarking on more environmentally friendly sources of electricity (Simon 2007 182).

Since buildings are part of the commercial sectors that heavily consume energy, there is a need to focus on cost-effective efficiency investments (Sorrell 2004 2). Energy efficient use and investment may lead to more savings for businesses and families. For instance, households and building users might replace energy-consuming appliances such as hot water heaters, furnaces, freezers, refrigerators, and air conditioners with highly efficient and innovative models (Hart and de Dear 2003). This could bring more savings to families and businesses and also help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and greenhouse emissions. As claimed by Cullen and Allwood (2009), industrial and transport sectors also consume vast amount of energy. These sectors may also reduce carbon emissions and obtain more savings through more efficient use of energy (Great Britain 2006 6).

Improvement of energy efficiency approach
The central focus of the paper is to present potential improvements of energy efficient approach. This is actually the primary target of the two important factors Cullen and Allwood (2009) presented when evaluating the possible benefits from energy efficiency technologies. Technical potential for improvement is what currently motivates scientists and engineers the world over to discover new alternatives to address the challenges of the worsening global energy crisis.

There is no doubt that the continued development in the efficiency of energy use and transformation are tied to the expansion of modern commercial and industrial societies. The global search for alternative energy sources not only led to scientific, technological and societal progress, but also to the improvement of human condition and cost of living. This scientific and technological development is one of the primary drivers for social makeovers that are linked to aggressive industrialization and commercialization (Hodgson 1999 151). On the other hand, scale of energy flow is another important factor in appraising the social and technological benefits from energy efficiency technology and efficient use of energy.

As stated above, Cullen and Allwood (2009) identified four technical factors involved in the energy chains. These are energy sources, end-use conversion mechanisms, passive schemes, and ultimate socially beneficial services. Energy sources come from renewable sources, uranium deposits, biomass matter, and fossil fuel reserves, among others. These energy sources are then converted into a new form of electricity and refined fuels, which are distributed to various economic and social sectors, such as buildings, industries, and transport. However, these sectors do not really produce technical progress in energy efficiency, but rather conversion methods or mechanisms, such as light bulbs, refrigeration, motors, burners, engines, light devices, and electronics, among others (Cullen and Allwood 2009).

Passive systems refer to three general groupings building, factories, and vehicles (Cullen and Allwood 2009). These systems primarily facilitate the production of helpful energy in the form of sound, cooling, light, heat, and motion, which is then vanished into low-grade heat to produce the final energy services, which satisfy human needs and demands. Meanwhile, final services refer to what is actually consumed or delivered to consumers in the form of efficient energy services (Cullen and Allwood 2009 78).

It is important to map the flow of global energy in order for human beings to have proper knowledge and know-how on the potential of energy efficiency measures. Concentrating on energy efficiency technologies rather than economic or social sectors can do this. However, apart from this, there are also other reasons why it is important to map the flow of global energy, and they are the following (Cullen and Allwood 2009)
It maps out the uninterrupted flow of energy from the original fuel source through ultimate energy services, such as heating, buildings, and transport.

Within each energy chain, it concentrates on technical and scientific constituents or units rather than economic and social sectors. For instance, motors and engines are not merely used in one particular sector but also in other social and economic sectors like buildings, industry, and transport.

It differentiates between passive systems and conversion devices in the continued flow of energy. A few examples of conversion mechanisms are heaters, burners and engines, which translates into a socially beneficial form of energy. Passive systems do not convert energy, but instead lose energy as low-grade heat.
It categorizes primary areas where scientific and technical development and improvement is likely to produce and distribute the highest efficiency benefits.

According to (Cullen and Allwood 2009), the map helps classify potential energy saving mechanisms, as well as alternative energy chains, which are both important in cost-savings and maximizing the use of energy.

A critique of the methodology used
The methodology Cullen and Allwood (2009) used primarily addressed the factors and issues present within the complete length of global energy flow. The authors clearly understood the idea that the flow of energy from initial fuel or energy source through the delivery of final services incorporates the conversion of fuels into electricity and refined forms of energy, and the transformation of the refined fuels into socially beneficial final services. This is the fundamental basis or component of the methodology used by Cullen and Allwood (2009). They clearly understood the chain process, which starts from refining energy sources into petrol or a new form of energy to produce electricity.

To address the limitation of previous research and studies, Cullen and Allwood (2009) introduced a new concept called passive system. They came up with this term or idea so to elucidate various phases of conversion. Passive systems are the final technical constituents in each energy series. Unlike conversion devices, these systems do not convert energy. It appears now that this is the final link that completed energy chains. Both Cullen and Allwood (2009) firmly believed that a proper understanding of the scale of energy flow may help inform the public on the efficient use of energy and its important role in the reduction of carbon dioxide and greenhouse emissions, as well as energy conservation.

As already stated above, the papers methodology is focused on the four technical groupings, which formed part of the energy chains. These technical components are energy sources, end-use conversion mechanisms, passive schemes, and final energy services. The flow-path of energy starts with fuel conversion of the energy sources, which are then transformed into refined fuels and electricity, which form part of useful energy to be delivered as final energy services to end-users or consumers. Examples of energy sources are oil, biomass, gas, coal, and uranium deposit, among others (Ollah, Geoppert and Prakash 2009 151)
The products of conversion devices are diesel engines, petrol engine, electric motor, oil burner, biomass burner, electric heater, heat exchanger, cooler, and electronics, among others. Some examples of passive systems are vehicles, furnaces buildings, hot water systems, heatedcooled space, appliances, and illuminated space, while a few examples of final services are passenger transport, structure, sustenance, hygiene, thermal comfort, communication, and illumination.

Discussion of the main findings
Through the methodology used, Cullen and Allwood (2009 79) found out that energy losses from conversion apparatuses remain incorporated with the prime energy flow. By tracing the intricacy and scale of global energy flow, Cullen and Allwood (2009) discovered that the technical aspects or areas, which are likely to produce the highest level of efficiency benefits, could be identified.
In their findings, Cullen and Allwood (2009) addressed the following fundamental questions

What we can tell about the use of energy in society
How should the energy map be construed and how does it help us classify several areas in which energy efficiency technologies will produce and bring gains and benefit
In addressing these questions, Cullen and Allwood (2009) they viewed the energy map in two ways vertical and horizontal. Vertical form compared the scale of energy flow through technical constituents can be produced within each of the four groupings. Horizontal form compared the technical options for delivering final energy services.

There have been limitations in the current study like the difference of views over the proper ways to measure prime energy supply, however, the accurateness of the global energy map is satisfactory for resolving the extent or degree of energy flow through the energy chains. Apart from this, the current research has focused only on the energy flow, thus further research is important to offer a sufficient approximation of the potential benefits and gains of energy efficiency measures and policies.

Assessment of the reports conclusion
The paper indeed presented a novel idea of the important role of global flow of energy in the efficient use of energy. By providing a framework for evaluating and appraising the global extent or scale of opportunity for energy efficiency approaches, the current study offers to help future researchers and scientists understand the importance of tracing the global flow of energy. Indeed, Cullen and Allwoods (2009) current study offers four distinctive contributions to societies appreciation of energy efficiency by
Mapping the global flow of energy from initial fuels or energy sources to final energy services that are beneficial to consumers and societies.

 Concentrate on the technical, scientific processes, rather than economic and social sectors, within each network of energy.
 Clearly and sufficiently identifying the difference between passive systems and conversion devices or mechanisms.

Clearly classifying the primary areas where technical and scientific development and improvement is likely to take place and produce the highest level of efficiency gains.
This simply means that researchers who will conduct further studies in the future will be properly guided as to how they are going to conduct their studies. Cullen and Allwood (2009) provide a scientific, step-by-step process on how to trace the global flow of energy by identifying the four technical groupings involved in energy chains. They also stressed the importance of focusing on technical areas, rather than economic or social sectors. This is because the global flow of energy primarily involves technical matters and non-economic issues, such as energy sources, conversion apparatuses, passive systems, and final services.

Furthermore, Cullen and Allwood (2009) had to introduce a new term or concept, which they called passive systems in order to better understand the factors involved in global energy flow and energy chains. Because of this, they were able to distinguish the difference between passive systems and conversion devices. This distinction is important in order to properly define the boundary between these two aspects. Also, such a distinction helped Cullen and Allwood (2009) understand the factors, issues and concepts involved in the global energy flow and energy chains. Indeed, the most important contribution of the current study is that it identifies key areas where technical expansion and improvement is likely to occur and deliver the greatest efficiency benefits to modern societies.

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