Friday, December 20, 2013

Admission Essay Petroleum Engineering

In my brief stay in the USA as an international student from Saudi Arabia taking up BS in Electrical Engineering, I was exposed to the importance of higher education more so on the changing trends and challenges in the field I have chosen.  I came from a country rich in petroleum sources and I am aware of the needs and expectations of my country from its citizens. Saudi Arabia is a major petroleum producing country and I recognized that technological development in the this industry is a continuing challenge to meet the standard of efficiency and effectiveness more so in a era wherein climate change because of carbon emission is threatening the environment in a global scale.
It is my desire to study further but this time specializing in the field of Petroleum Engineering  a field highly related to my undergraduate study.  I am now on my senior year in the Insert Name of University and I expect to get my Bachelor of Science Degree in insert expected date of graduation. In my undergraduate study I majored in insert major and conducted study with particular focus on insert title or focus of undergraduate paper. Such an academic experience have prepared me well to pursue graduate studies. I am ready to face up to the rigorous task of acquiring new knowledge and skills.

I am confident that my electrical engineering background will come in handy in pursuing my interest to be an active participant in developing my countrys potential. I know that new technology and processes in petroleum engineering such as developments in oil and gas facility designs will be sooner or later making an impact on the way crude oil is being extracted and processed. My study interest is combining what I have learned thus far in electrical engineering designs with new technological trends in petroleum related research. Admission to the graduate school of insert name of university will give me an opportunity to be taught by the best and contribute to this exciting field of learning. The strong mathematics and physics background as afforded me in my study of Electrical Engineering as well as knowledge in this field will greatly contribute to my academic performance if and when I am admitted to the Petroleum Engineering program. I am well prepared to meet the challenges ahead in learning new disciplines related to Petroleum Engineering from geophysics to extraction technology and processes to designs of oil facilities.

I have worked hard and was able to meet the difficulties faced by a foreign student in a country with different cultural background. I persevered and in the process gained confidence in my academic pursuits. I have also adjusted very well in my social relationship with peers in the university where I am studying and I have enjoyed working cooperatively in a group environment.  My hard work enabled me to gain a high Grade Point Average but more importantly I gained the necessary academic discipline as well as knowledge in the field of Electrical Engineering and in the process, I have learned useful skills such as use of computer and engineering related applications, which I know are valuable in graduate study in the specialized field of Petroleum Engineering. 

I am well aware that your institution insert name of university maintains a high standard of quality instruction and expect its student to perform within this standard of excellence. I am confident that I will be able to deliver and will satisfactorily hurdle the requirements of the course and the knowledge and skills that I will gain will be of value to the petroleum industry, to my country and my alma mater. The higher education in the specialized field of Petroleum Engineering that I hope to accomplish will give me the opportunity to share what I have learned and to contribute to improving the human resource potential in my country.

I look forward to being part of the insert name of University academic community. I know that the experience and the things I will learn will be valuable assets in my personal and professional development.

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