Friday, December 20, 2013

Government involvement in control of demand or supply for energy to achieve United Kingdom long term goals of reducing carbon emission

Carbon emission has been the major challenge in United Kingdom and the government is working hard to come up with good policies to tackle this problem. UKs government has significant role to play in ensuring that there is long term transition towards achievement of low carbon economy. The sensitive area that must be dealt with urgently is demand and supply of energy in households and industries.

Many households in United Kingdom use fuels for lighting and doing other domestic chores. In addition, almost every household in United Kingdom owns a car. The motor vehicles are run by fuel as form of energy leading to carbon emission. This has resulted to emission of carbon thus increasing the chances of global warming and other environmental effects. Manufacturing industries on the other hand contribute a big percentage of carbon emission (Muneer, 1388). The machines used in production and manufacturing uses fuel therefore a lot of smoke is produced leading to contamination of air.

Supply side
    Demand and supply of this basic commodity (fuel) is thorny because the government is working hard to get another energy source that does not lead to carbon emission. The supply of energy source without environmental effects has been prioritized by the government of UK. The supply of an alternative source of energy in United Kingdom has been incorporated with environmental objectives that aim at creating conducive ecosystem for all its citizens. All economic sectors in United Kingdom are required to participate fully to ensure there is reduction of carbon emission. The first priority however, is the industrial sector that uses heavy weight machines. Transportation and other economic sectors should also be given priority.

    The government of UK is working hand in hand with other developing nations that are intensively investing in energy sector to meet global demand of good and services. Energy industries are exposed to proportionate international competition leading to establishment of many factories hence high rate of carbon emission. To counter this effect, the government of United Kingdom has encouraged participants of this sector to apply efficient economical ways of production (Ramblers Association, n.d.).

The initiative of the government to initiate this proposal should be proportionate to international demand and supply of energy sources. This will aim at delivering best value of money that favors customers in the area of reducing carbon emission. The supply side of energy is one of the most important factors that need to be treated with a lot of care since it leads to delivery of goods and services in the market. The long-term interest of UK is to have a big share in the supply of energy sources that are cost effective and reduces carbon emission. It is therefore the role of government to decide the level of fuel mix in electricity supply.

Electricity is one of the most used sources of energy in United Kingdom and it uses some amounts of fuel that leads to carbon emission. Through the use of technology, the government is entitled to reduce the percentage of fuel as is used in electricity. This will lead to achievement of long-term goal of reducing effects of carbon emission (Institute of Mechanical Engineers, n.d.). The regulation of carbon emission by UKs government has been achieved through use of N sea gas that is environmental friendly. However the regulation as is being practiced in the modern world is not considered to be enough and more regulation needs to be adopted.

    The government to succeed in this area of carbon emission, it should introduce the use of utility scale heating systems that uses heat from waste resources and direct heating power systems. City municipalities should be given the opportunity to design, install, operate and fund city energy utilities that are user friendly. Such city energy utilities have been in use in various European nations and the income generate from this project can be used to fund other sectors of the economy. Waste resources should not be burned because this will result to high levels of carbon emissions. However, these resources should be recycled and used as sources of energy.

Development of direct heating systems will lead to large scale utilization of municipal refuse, wood chips and straw as source of energy. The energy should tap energy from wind through development of wind mills. Wind is free and it is has been used by many European nations to supply electricity in many economic sectors. A good example is Danish energy authority that uses wind as a source of power. This will lead to reduction in the rate of carbon emission leading to achievement of UKs long-term goals of air pollution.

Demand side
    The government of United Kingdom has the responsibility on the demand for energy to meet its long-term goal of reducing carbon emission. The demand for electricity, fuel and other sources of energy in UK is on the rise and the government should work towards the use of friendly sources of energy that are environmental friendly. The government should order for adjustment of electricity supply voltages to their minimal level so as to reduce electricity consumption (Flemming, 226).

When the rate of consumption is low, the rate of carbon emissions from fuel mix will reduce thus control of carbon emissions achieved. It is the role of government to develop cooling, heating and ventilation systems that use low levels of energy supply such as fuel. Once this is done, energy is saved and instances of carbon emission are reduced. The government has the capacity to implement such policies by inspecting all buildings and doing away with construction works that do not comply with such provisions.

    The demand of energy sources in hospitals, schools, offices and households is very high in UK. The government should ensure that qualified project managers are employed to oversee construction work that complies with energy saving measures. Engineers appointed to construct public buildings should be qualified and they should ensure that construction work is as it has been designed, to be specific and use free carbon emission energy sources (Muneer, 1402). This will help the government to ensure that all new public buildings comply with regulations of carbon emissions.

 The government should train and recruit officers to oversee the use of energy sources that do not emit excess carbon in the air. Such officers should supervise construction of manufacturing plants that are well planned and developed to minimize emission of carbon. The idea of constructing buildings should be based on ideas that provide zero carbon emissions and use of alternative sources of energy. The mandate of government is to improve on production that does not lead to pollution of air through carbon emission.

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