Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Risk Assessment

All projects are characterised with risks and uncertainty. However, a construction project is more risky and challenging than any other project in other industries. A construction project is considered more risky because of the problem of   rising in the estimated costs and court litigations which are common in construction industry. With complex and dynamic nature of construction project, lack of standard implementation of risk management is one of the major setbacks in the construction industry. In the UK, a construction industry has a very poor record of managing risks for many decades, and lack of implementation of risk management in the construction projects has led many projects not meeting the deadlines, and this has resulted to court litigations and consequent projects termination. Thus, risk management is very critical in the construction industry and to avoid these risks, there is need to identify uncertainties associated with a project. It is essential to realise it is impossible to eliminate entire risks in a construction project, however with adequate implementation of risk management, risks associated with a project could be minimised. (Mills, 2001).

The objective of this project is to provide a detailed risk management for the project of New Art Exchange Project Group (NAEPG).
The paper provides overview of risks management in order to enhance greater understanding on how NAE could mitigate the risks associated with the project.

Overview of risk management
Several definitions have been provided for risks. Office of Government of Commerce (2007) defined risks as uncertainty that can have positive or negative impacts on a project.  On the other hand, Mills (2001) defined risks as adverse effect that can lead to loss in the value of a project.  Typically, the risks and uncertainty are part of the construction project. To avoid risks complication, there is need to implement risk management in all construction projects.
For the NAE project, there is need to apply successful risk management in order to avoid risks complexity in the project. It is also essential to identify the risks that may have detrimental effects to the project because risks can come from different sources in a construction project.  To enhance adequate risk management in NAE project, there is need to observe the following risk management process

Identifying , assessing  the risks, and rank risks  to make the risks explicit
Analysis of risk to find effective method to manage these risks.
Documentation of risks identified.
Focusing on the major part of the projects risks.
Making informed decision on risks mitigations as well as making provision for adversity.
Take step in minimising the potential damage if the worst happens.
Monitoring and Controlling the risks manifested in the project.

Develop excellent communication among team member.
Reviewing  the risks in the project at regular interval
Identifying the opportunities in order to enhance the performances of a project.(Mills, 2001).
It is essential to realise that successful risk management involves identifying as well as assessing the impact of the risks on the project. There is also need to develop and maintain a risk register to establish the procedures to actively manage the risks throughout the projects life cycle. (Turner  Townsend).

Risk register for New Art Exchange Project Group
Risk register is essential to identify the potential risks that NAE project could be facing during project life cycle. It is essential to note that identification of risks is essential to find solution to the risks facing NAE project. (Constructing Excellence).

During the project 9Government bureaucracy EELEnsure solid understanding on government policy on construction. Before project starts10Unsuitable project planning CCMEmploy experienced and competent project manager.Before project starts11Inadequate site information e.g. soil test CCMEmploy professional to provide geotechnical test before project starts.Before project starts12Noise pollution during constructionCCMUse machine that produce low noiseBefore and during the project.13Vandalism of the projectCCMProvide insurance for the projectBefore project starts14Fire outbreak  AAHInstall Fire protection devicesBefore project starts15Likelihood of accident occurrence EELThe project should conform to CDM regulation.During the project.16Low subcontractors competenceEELEmploy competent subcontractor.Before project starts17Disputes among the projects team CCMEnsure solid agreement before the project startsBefore and during project starts18Insufficient skilled labour CCMExpatriates could be employed to supplement local labourBefore project starts19Sudden clients variation EELUnderstanding to be made among team memberDuring the project.20Bad weather condition EELConsult weather expert to ensure suitability of weather before project starts.Before project starts

With identification of risks that can affect the NAE project it is essential to find method to mitigate these risks.

Methods of mitigating the risks facing NAE project.
Having identified the risks that can mitigate the NAE project, the project team should employ these procedures to mitigate the risks.

Provision for sufficient projects funds One of the top risks that can delay the project completion is insufficient funds. Sufficient  funds is very essential for timely completion of a project, and the project team need to make adequate provision for sufficient funds in order not to run out of money during the project life cycle. Many construction projects are delayed because of insufficient funds for projects completion. Thus, before New Art Exchange Project Group should embark on the proposed project, Mr Kumar needs to carry out the detailed projects feasibility plan on the project to understand the total costs estimation for the project. In addition, Mr Kumar should realise that the increase in the estimated cost of a project is inevitable since the rising in the prices of construction materials can lead to increase in the estimated costs. Thus, to avoid the problems of non-completion of the project because of the effect of inflation, the NAE should make a financial plan and a reasonable contingence should be incorporated in the construction budget.

Setting up a realistic deadline for the project  One of the major risks that can affect the project is inability of project team not to set realistic deadline for the project. It is essential to realise that extension of project deadline will inevitably lead to the increase in the estimated projects costs. To avoid unnecessary increase in the project cost, the NAE should consult expert to set out the realistic deadline for the proposed project.
Make use of experienced project personnel  The use of experienced personnel to manage and carry out the projects plan is essential in order to avoid problems. Essentially, many projects are being managed by inexperienced and non-competent personnel and this invariably lead to disputes and termination of the project. To avoid such risk being manifested, the NAE should ensure that experienced and competent personnel are allowed to manage the project.  Before allowing any personnel to manage the project, the NAE should conduct background check on the person in order to evaluate the experiences and qualifications of such personnel.

Provide health and safety plan One of the major way of mitigating the risks in a construction project is to develop health and safety plan during the project life cycle.  It is essential to realise that many building projects in the UK have collapsed because project team has not complied with laid down regulations of Construction Design and Management (CDM). It is essential to realise that non implementation of health and safety plan can lead to the escalation of projects costs. In order to avoid non-compliance with CDM regulation, the New Art Exchange Project Group must agree with contractor to follow the CDM regulations during project construction. The CDM regulations involve dealing with all matters that can affect health and safety of personnel during construction. To adhere to health and safety project, the team member of NAE proposal should make provision on how to deal with hazardous, toxic materials, fire outbreak, explosion etc in the construction site. Non-provision for health and safety plan can lead to the payment of damages in case health of people working at the site is affected, and this may lead to rising in estimated costs. Typically, fire out break is one of   the major risks that can destroy the whole construction project. Thus, New Art Exchange Project Group should make provision in dealing with fire outbreak and other hazards at construction sites. Typically, the NAE should make provision for rescue plan in case of fire outbreak, and there should be Emergency Response Plan (ERP) in order to ensure health and safety of the people working at the construction site.

Provide detailed contracting document  One of the major factor that can lead to the escalation of a   project cost is inability to employ detailed contracting document. The contracting document is very essential before embarking on a project in order to avoid dispute among team member.  It is very essential for all team members to understand the contents of the contracting document, and provide their signatures for binding.

The contracting document indicates what if something goes wrong during the time of the project. There is need to stipulate this in the contracting document and the appropriate method to resolve the issues if something goes wrong. Thus, the New Art Exchange Project Group should  make provision for detailed contracting document which  all team member must sign, and this contracting document should be detailed enough to provide all the terms and conditions  that are related to the NAE project. Any term and condition that any of the team members supports and not support should be clarified before the commencement of the project. This is very essential in order to avoid disputes during construction period. (Hinchey).
Based on the risks identified in the proposal a following covering letter to Mr Kumar provides risk management on NAE project.
                                        Covering letter to Mr Kumar 
                                                                                                      Quantity Surveyor Ltd,
                                                                                                       Surrey, United Kingdom, 
                                                                                                       27 February 2010.
Managing Director,
New Art Exchange Project Group (NAEPG),
Dear Mr Kumar,

I am replying your letter based on your request to provide you the risks management process for the NAE project, and identify top 20 risks facing NAE project. For risk management process, there is need to identify the top risks facing the project, and the identification of the risks will help in mitigating these risks. There are many risks identified facing NAE project, and some of the top risks are insufficient funds, insufficient experienced and competent personnel. There other risks identified, and all the risks are stated in the risks register. In addition, you need to provide adequate documentation for the project risks identified in order to monitor and control these risks. 

I have also developed the risks register and outline the top 20 risks facing the NAE project. From the risk register, these risks are categorised as High risks, Medium risks and Low risks, and the methods to avoid these risks are also provided in the risk register. Essential, some of these risks are very critical, and there is need to contact professionals before you can find solution to mitigate these risks. Before commencement of the project, it is very critical to find solution to mitigate high risks and medium risks identified in the risk register because these are the risks that can affect the success of the project.

I have also summarised how you can mitigate these risks. It is essential to follow the guideline that l have provided in mitigating these risks. For example, it is very critical that you put sufficient fund aside for the project because insufficient fund is one of the major risks that can make project to standstill if not properly managed. Moreover, it is essential to put aside some extra fund in case of inflation that can lead to the increase in the price of projects materials. There is also need to follow CMD regulations in order to safeguard the health and safety of the people during projects construction. If you implement the guidelines in the risk register, and mitigate the top 20 risks outlined in the risk register, the NAE project will be successful.

National Diploma in Engineering

Electronic circuit board or Printed circuit board manufacturing (PCB) employs a diverse range of techniques. Prototype electronic circuits manufacturing techniques are often significantly different from those used in high volume production. Large-scale electronic manufacturing generally involves fully automated assembly techniques using equipment that can produce low cost complex circuits quickly and accurately with minimal human intervention. Alternatively, if only one circuit is to be built (for evaluation or testing purposes) then a hand-built prototype is much more appropriate. Computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided manufacture (CAM) are now widely used in the production of electronic circuits. When an electronic circuit is developed for a commercial application, it is usually tested and proved using computer simulation prior to manufacture.

National Diploma in Engineering
A printed circuit board (PCB), a self-contained module of interconnected electronic components is found in various devices such as beepers, pagers, radios, sophisticated radar and computer systems. There are three major types of printed circuit board construction namely single-sided, double-sided, and multi-layered.

Analysis Of PCB Using CAD
Computer aided design (CAD) software is a simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis (SPICE) software direct current (DC) analysis, alternating current (AC) small-signal analysis and more complex analysis methods e.g. transient analysis, pole-zero analysis, sensitivity analysis, noise analysis.
Software simulation allows identifying and troubleshooting potential design flaws before production preventing capital and resource loss. Furthermore, computer simulation gives a designer the flexibility to experiment and fine tune the initial design to achieve an optimum, reliable and  functional design

Safety certification (ISO 90012000)
All the manufacturing processes are under the guidelines of ISO 90012000 covering the safety requirements for printed wiring boards for use as components in devices or appliances. Testing analyzes characteristics such as flammability, maximum operating temperature, electrical tracking, heat deflection, and direct support of live electrical parts. The suitability of the pattern parameters, temperature and maximum solder limits are determined in accordance with the applicable end-product construction and requirements

Use Of Surface Mounted Technology
Surface-mount technology (SMT) is the current method for constructing electronic circuits .The components are mounted directly onto the surface of printed circuit board (PCBs) through soldering. Electronic devices so made are called surface-mount devices .
SMT drastically reduces the size of components and replaces the use of leads to hold components in place by soldering.

Surface mount components dont require drilling lots of small holes in  PCBs
A number of handy ICs are only available in surface mount packages (e.g. single- and double-inverter ICs, and single- and double-gate logic ICs).
Surface mount components allow for much smaller circuits enabling the use of  a wide variety of BEAM bots.

Manufacturing Process
The processes used in the manufacturing of PCBs are
Etching Printed circuit boards are manufactured by applying a layer of copper over the entire surface of the circuit board on either one side or both sides. This creates a surface with copper everywhere .The unwanted areas are removed and the process is called a subtractive method, the most common subtractive method is known as photoengraving.

Photoengraving The photoengraving process uses a mask combined with chemical etching to subtract the copper areas from the circuit board. The mask is created with a photo plotter, which takes the design from a CAD (Computer aided design )PCB software program.
Lamination Many printed circuit boards are made up of multiple layers, these are referred to as multi-layer printed circuit boards. They consist of several thin etched boards or trace layers and are bonded together through the process of lamination.
Drilling Each layer of the printed circuit board is connected to another. This is achieved through drilling small holes called VIASthrough an automated drilling machine. The walls of each hole (for multi-layer boards) are copper plated to form l thole plated-through holes that connect the conductive layers of the printed circuit board.

Solder Plating  Solder Resist Pads and lands, which will require components to be mounted on, are plated to allow solderability of the components. Bare copper is not readily solderable and requires the surface to be plated with a material that facilitates soldering. Nowadays nickel and gold both are being used offer solderability and comply with RoHS standards.

Silk Screen When visible information needs to be applied to the board such as company logos, part numbers or instructions, silk screening is used to apply the text to the outer surface of the circuit board. Where spacing allows, screened text can indicate component designators, switch setting requirements and additional features to assist in the assembly process.

Testing Bare board testing verifies each circuit connection as correct on the finished circuit board. Electrical testing involves computer unit to send a small current through each contact point and verify that such current can be detected on the appropriate contact points.

Quality Assurance
Visual and electrical inspections are made throughout the manufacturing process to detect flaws. Some of these flaws are generated by the automated machines. For example, components are sometimes misplaced on the board or shifted before final soldering. Other flaws are caused by the application of too much solder paste, which can cause excess solder to flow across two adjacent printed circuit paths. Heating the solder too quickly in the final reflow process can cause a tombstone effect where one end of a component lifts up off the board and does not make contact.

Completed boards are also tested for functional performance to ensure their output is within the desired limits. Some boards are subjected to environmental tests to determine their performance under extremes of heat, humidity, vibration, and impact.

Mechanism at Wyoming Reservoirs

In our day to day life, there are a lot of machines that needs to be in operations so that we can be able to go on with our day to day life. These machines need fuel so that they can be able to propel and therefore execute the duties that they are supposed to execute. This fuel comes from oils mines which are located in different parts of the world. Among the major wells or the major oil production reservoirs are those that are located at Wyoming. There are a lot of mechanisms that are involved in these reservoirs from the time the oil is found to the time it comes to the surface of the earth. This paper is therefore going to discuss the mechanism that is known to exist for the maintenance and the subsequent increase in the production of oils in these reservoirs. The paper will also look at the economic and technical feasibility of these mechanisms. The paper will also look at the future of oil production in these reservoirs and the possible position or situation that it will have in the next ten to twenty years.

Wyoming happens to be a state that is located on the western side of the United States. It has most of its parts dominated by rangelands and mountain ranges which are mostly concentrated on the Rocky Mountain on the West. However, the eastern parts of the state are dominated by some sections of high elevation prairie which is commonly referred to as High Plains. This state is known to have a lot of oil reservoirs. It is believed to have over six separate oil reservoirs which are believed to be in operation for the last five years. (Hearn, C et al)

Extraction Techniques
This state is noted of having a good number of reservoirs which are known to supply oil to most parts of the United States. Over the past, there has been application of oil extraction technique that is commonly referred to as Enhanced Oil Recovery or EOR. This is a generic term that is commonly used to refer to the techniques which are used to increase the amount of extracted crude oil from the oil field. These techniques are known to increase the amount of extracted oil with thirty to sixty percent or even more. It is believed that the lower forty eight states in the United States have approximately sixty billion barrels of oil that is said to remain on the wells. Using the appropriate technique, there is a possibility of recovering about fifty percent of this oil from these wells. The technique that will be applied depends on the permeability of the well and therefore with those reservoirs that have low permeability, reinjection of reservoir gas is the best option. (Hearn, C et al)

Mechanism Used
There has been some advancement in the EOR technique in some wells in these states. For example when we look at the issue of steam flooding as a method of enhanced production of oil it is one of the most economical methods. However, it happens that oil sometimes is very viscous and therefore makes this method very inefficient. In such situation, it is advisable to use carbon dioxide and this is the case that is happening in most of the wells that are in Wyoming. The same case is also happening in those wells that are located in West Texas, Western Oklahoma and New Mexico. The reason why gas is uses is the fact that, the other techniques which is water flood technique is known to leave a lot of oil in the reservoirs as compared to gas floods. However, where permeability is higher, water floods can recover oil at a faster rate than gas. (James G.)

Extraction in all wells is known to have one universal mechanism. First air is used in deeper and hotter reservoirs and it is known to spontaneously react with the oil which is in these reservoirs to form flue gases. This air is usually at high temperatures of over a hundred and fifty centigrade. It happens that carbon dioxide is usually a flue gas that is absorbed or rather dissolved in the crude oil. When this hot air is pushed into these reservoirs, some light gas and water usually evaporates due to high temperatures brought by hot air. High temperatures are also as a result of combustion that takes place when air reacts with the oil. (MK Tech Solutions, Inc)

There are some three mechanisms that are involved in this process. These are pressure, maintenance, swelling and water flooding by condensing steam. When air gets into the well, it mixes with the oil and reacts with it this results to swelling which is known to increase the pressure that is in the wells. In addition, due to high temperatures that are in the well, water and some light gas evaporates but later condenses when it gets to some cooler areas. It forms water and some light gas and this is known to also increase the pressure in these reservoirs. This pressure increases to an extent that it needs to escape and the only escape it has is the direction where there is oil. It therefore finds an avenue on this direction and pushes oil on to the surface. (MK Tech Solutions, Inc)

Economic and Technical Feasibility
This method of EOR can be termed to be economically feasible in that all the law materials that are needed are more readily available.  Some of the reservoir that is known to use air so as to increase oil recovery has been in operation for over thirty years. This is because the raw materials or the resources that are needed are readily available and cheaper to buy. Where the surface enhanced water floods are used, there are three chemicals floods that are known to exist in this extraction. In a study that was conducted in 2001, it was found out that the average cost of chemical per barrel increment was  1.96 dollars which means that the payout would occur between two and three years. However, this project is only viable in sandstone areas as there is very little chemical absorption. This means that if the permeability is high, the project will be more economically viable.  (James G.,  Speight, D.)

In addition, there is no need to drill deep for those small wells as a shallow drilling will work if permeability is good. However all those large wells should be deeper and at the same time they are likely to have higher permeability. This is a clear indication that this is a technically feasible project as it will only required the amount of capital that is relevant for the expected outcome. (James G.,  Speight, D.)

There is a chance that oil will continue being an important energy product in the state of Wyoming in the next one to two decades. The reason is that this state happens to be the number one oil producer in the United States. It possesses a reservoir of about 62.4 metric tons of coal. Apart from this, the state also ranks number two in production of natural gases in the whole of the United States with the major markets as domestic, commercial and industrial heating. (Hearn, C et al)
In conclusion, from this statistic, it is clear that Wyoming produces about 25 percent of the world oil production. This means that if it is not exporting oil, it is in a position to supply itself with oil for the next thirty to forty years. It is therefore clear from the current situation that it oil will be an important energy product to this state for the next one to two decades.
 Literature Search Summary

Literature Search
LiteratureWeb SiteNumber of Sources Found345Number of Sources Read333Number of Sources Used112

Short description of the materials read
Gearino, Jeff. Abraxas Discovers Oil in the Wyoming Well Recently Drilled. San Antonio Business Journal (2009) 34-45.
This is a San Antonio journal that was published later last year. I chose the journal because it contains some very helpful information on the current trends in the oil industry in Wyoming. This is very crucial information on gauging the possibilities of the existence and the importance of the oil industry in Wyoming in the next ten years.
Hearn, C et al. Geological Factors Influencing Reservoir Performance. Journal of Petroleum Technology (1984) 1333-1343.

This is a journal that covers in details some of the major factors that are known to affect or rather influence the performance of reservoirs. Even though this journal tackles these problems from a general ground, the same problems or factors are known to affect all the reservoirs that are currently in operation in most parts of the world. I therefore chose it because it gave some background information on the economic and technical feasibility of the Wyoming reservoirs.
Willam, J. Forest Oil completes Infinity deal. Denver Business Journal (2008).
This is a short artilce that discusses some of the activitiest that are currently taking place in the oil industry. This article highlights some of the agreements that has been arrived at by different oil companies concering their future plans.

Popular literature
James G.,  Speight, D. Enhanced Recovery Methods for Tar Sands  Heavy Oil . 2009 Gulf Publishing Company , New York.

This book gives comprehensive information on the methods that are used in oil extraction. The book gives an account of the possible factors that are likely to affect the process of oil extraction. It also gives different methods that are used and different techniques that are used in the process of oil extraction. It also gives some different factors that are considered in choosing the technique to apply in oil extraction.
Lake, Larry. Enhanced Oil Recovery. Irwin Prentice Hall, 1996.
This book gives a complete analysis of the process that is involved in oil extraction. It starts off with a brief history of oil extraction and then explains in details the mechanism that is involved in this process. It then describes some of the different techniques that are used in this process and the conditions under which these techniques are applied.
Lapeyrouse, Norton. Formulas  Calculations for Production, Drilling,  Workover . New York Gulf

Professional Publishing, 2001.
This is a more technical book as it contains some of the in-depth information that revolves around the production of oil. The book also gives in detail the requirements for drilling and the drilling process as it is supposed to be. The book further gives the information on the total amount of work and the total requirements that are necessary for the extraction process to be complete.

Legalities of Purchasing a Vessel

There are a number of procedures which have been known to be involved when it comes to the purchase of any ocean cruising vessel. During the purchase and sale of a vessel, there are a number of transactions which are complex and quite demanding (Giles, 1987, p. 53). There are therefore a number of legal processes and procedures which have to be followed during the vessel acquisition process. As more and more partners, companies, military sectors, and countries need services from the use of vessels, it has been necessary that there should be the installing legal structures which would effectively monitor and govern the processes in the acquisition of these vessels. These are processes and systems which are similar to those applied in the purchase of planes and others related canons. There are reasons why there should be these guidelines during the purchase and sale of these vessels. This is to ensure that all the processes are done in a competent manner, and all the vessels purchased by different organs can be easily monitored and identified.

During the sale or purchase of a vessel, different parties and organs have noted that the existing systems are very complex and demanding due to the transactions involved. This means that the purchasing of a vessel or a plane can be quite complex and discouraging (Lorange, 2005, p. 63). In the initial stage, the existing admiralty laws in the vessel acquisition processes may in many cases not apply in the issues which relate to the selling of a given vessel. This will only be involved when there are other circumstances being involved. A vessel to be purchased can be for individual ownership or for combined ownership, or sometimes being purchased for government purposes. Once a vessel to be purchased is considered to become a personal property, what applies is the Uniform Commercial Code, UCC and with this code, the state or nations courts can be able to have the relevant jurisdiction over the vessel. Basically, all the relevant issues and processes involved in the vessel acquisition will be in line with the ship building documentations and contracts as stated in the Act, the surveys in marine process, the mortgages involved, the charters or leases related to the process, among others. In many cases, it will be noted that the process of acquisition will begin with ship-building tenders, which results in the contract for building the vessel. The construction process for the vessel will be dependent on the requirements of the owner, and will also be built depending on the use the vessel will be put to.

The processes to be applied in the acquisition of a vessel will vary with a number of factors. This will depend on the use of the vessel, the size of the vessel, and the legal procedures that have to be addressed during the acquisition of the vessel. Since the purchase of a small vessel like a boat may be less demanding in the processes of acquisition, it will not be hectic as with that of commercial vessels. The purchase of small pleasure boats will usually be done in a way that satisfies the actual user of that particular boat, or the owner. This will be quite different from the case of commercial cruise vessels. During this process of vessel acquisition, there are a number of entities that are involved these include corporate entities in which the entity acting to be the owner is usually a charterer or a lessee. Due to very many reasons usually related to the provisions of tax, majority of the people who own a vessel will choose to have measures of holding the property in form of charters. The owner of the vessel thus becomes the charter. In addition, many people in different nations owning vessels are usually required to register the vessels in other foreign countries from their own due to issues of taxation (Susan  Christopher, 2003, p. 31).

There are a number of documents that have to be applied for and used during the acquisition or sale of a vessel. The main documents that have to be considered during the sale of any vessel include letters of intent, the sales contract, the sale bill and a purchase order. These documents are applied as a whole in the process of the vessel acquisition. Among the documents likely to be used in the sale of a vessel are the letter of intent, a sales contract, a purchase order and a bill of sale. The letter of intent in the acquisition or sale of a ship is nothing but a small document used for holding the vessel during the time of survey or awaiting for suitable financing (William, 1988, p. 41). In most of the commercial cases, what is used most is the sale contract. The sale contract therefore sets in place the necessary conditions and terms that are appropriate for the sale, and at the same time it specifies the key obligations and rights held by the parties.

There are a number of items that are covered in the sale contract as one of the major important documents in the purchase of a ship. Some of these major items include the key descriptions of the particular vessel to be purchased, the identification number of the hull, the equipment identification and other relevant details, the relevant documentation details and numbers, and registration details, the inventory detail, the sale details, the place and date of delivery, the mortgage statements, the necessary claims, and liens. There should also be details indicating the conditions and terms of the survey (Susan  Christopher, 2003, p. 34). These details are quite important whenever there is to be an acquisition of a vessel.

For any given vessel that is to be purchased from a shipbuilder directly, there are a number of considerations that have to be made. While majority of the contracts relating to a given vessel construction or in the supply of the materials for a vessel have been greatly discussed, it is still something that is not yet in the jurisdiction of the admiralty (Hubert, 1987, p. 91). There are a number of issues which have to be considered so that not a single negligence in the ship-building industry in both the design and architecture. Some of the things found in the shipbuilding industries include some key architectural naval companies, businesses manufacturing and supplying major parts and vessel component for the building process, and any other needed related support and service in the entire process. Since most of the contracts tend not to be within the admiralty jurisdiction, all shipbuilding companies and component manufacturers will tend to lie subject to suit within the admiralty jurisdiction in relation to the liability of the products they produce. These torts concerning the liability of products have over the years been seeing their introduction in the maritime laws. Although that is the case, the interpretations of the court still remain quite narrow when it comes to the subject. Therefore, the manufacturer of a vessel will have not a single duty with any form of negligence.

There have a number of issues which have ensured that the responsible departments ensure that all the operations and processes done in most of the processes of vessel acquisitions are pioneered in ensuring that all issues pertaining ship and vessel operations are keenly addressed. For example, after the occurrence of massive terrorism threats in the world, the processes had to be hastened so that it would ensure that there is an effective monitoring of the vessels, and their movements can be easily traced. This issue of terrorism has been known to pose the greatest danger on many innocent people and the reason the issue of ship acquisition has to be carefully determined. Looking at the size of most of the current vessels, it is very clear that any danger imposed on the vessel may bring the greatest threat to the users (Jimmy, 1975, p. 20).

Because of the existence of these threats, the waterways and ports through which these vessels cruise has been a big issue of discussion. From the current systems of vessel acquisition, the largest of commercial vessels including all other large vessels for recreational purposes have been required to acquire legal federal documentations and all the areas they cruise is indicated in the documentation (Jimmy, 1975, p. 28). With the smaller vessels, the requirement is for them to be registered mainly in the country or state in which they mainly operate. In some other countries like in the United States, there is a requirement for all the vessels to be purchased to be keenly documented and given a standard identification system. Once the acquisition process has been completed, the other important thing would is to have a legal identification of the vessels through a reliable system. Any identification system of a vessel will be applicable in ensuring that the Department of Ocean and Sea Transportation in different nations would be able to effectively and carefully identify all the critical information concerning any given vessel cruising in any given waterway or port. There should be the indication of the owners details, the processes in which the vessel was acquired, the any proceedings which may be necessary in when any form of law enforcements are to be done on the vessel.

This brings us to two major important issues in this question the first one is the acquisition processes, and the second is the nature of the identification process. Looking at the two issues, the process of acquisition deserves to be discussed the most. Therefore, the study will be aimed in looking at some of the weaknesses and strengths in the current vessel acquisition processes and then come up with appropriate proposals on how we can effectively come up with a system which is more effective and addresses all the issues and problems that have been noted in the current systems.

Therefore, concerned with all the existing legal processes in the acquisition of vessels, there has been the lack of an appropriate acquisition process. Therefore, it would be necessary if we could come up with a procedure which will be an effective Vessel Acquisition System (VAS). Basically, the objective here will be establishing the necessary new system which can effectively make the process effective and reliable, and be able to ensure that the future vessel acquisition processes are extremely appropriate. Once the process is adequate, it will be very easy to acquire and operate a ship in the global waters (Hoffman, 1962, p. 43). In order to come with an effective system, it should be necessary to analyse all the existing systems and see which parts need to be streamlined, and how the streamlining process can be done. The acquisition of most of the vessels is done through different legal processes since in many cases most of these vessels are purchased by nations, or jointly owned.

The aim of this study was to come up with better proposals which would be applied to effectively ensue smooth running of all the processes of vessel purchasing and acquisition. This follows the implicated hardships and problems which have been noted in the processes. This is because different organizations have found it very hard to acquire a vessel since the existing procedures and mechanisms are not friendly, taking a long time period, and ineffective. With the current processes, there have been plans and initiative efforts that have been put in operating and thus failing to incorporate the necessary requirements which may be applied in the acquisition process.

However the use of complex processes in acquisition can be quite effective especially for ships and vessels for the military operations. The new processes which should be applied should be compliant, effective and reliable, and therefore making it easy to import a vessel from a foreign land. This will ensure that the developed system does not in any way incorporate a rigorous process of vessel acquisition, but at the very time be able to meet all the necessary requirements so that the system cannot be easily compromised (Giles, 1987, p. 82). There are notions in many states and individuals willing to acquire vessels that there are some issues within the legal processes which are quite unacceptable and compromising the nature ship acquisition. The study will be focused on identifying these problems and by so doing be able to see how we can find a solution to the problem. This will come up with the necessary information which would help us in determining the status of our hypothesis that the current legalities in the acquisition of vessel are quite complex, inappropriate and totally in need of reformation.

Chapter Two Literature Review
Over the years, there have been a number of issues which have been responsible for changing the nature in which vessel acquisition and purchase has been done, and especially when there is the issue of importation of the vessel from a ship builder to use in another nation. The occurrence of these issues has seen the involved personnel coming up with harder terms and legal procedures in the acquisition process. These are changes which have been coming in place as the globe continues to experience better technological advancements (Abbot, 1984, p. 29). These procedures have been changing depending on the requirements that have to be put in place in ensuring that everything is done in the right manner. However, the system applied in the acquisition has not been able to meet the requirements of an advanced globe. Once it has been able to come up with a system, it would be declared to be reliable only if it offers integrity and efficiency in all of its operations for vessel acquisition.

During the early years of the last century, the procedures involved in the purchase of a ship were never complex as they are today. These changes have been brought about by the factors of globalization, industrialization and unionism. There are also other negative factors which have been noted to bring changes in these procedures. These factors have varied from terrorism, and threats in the use of vessels in the global waters. These factors have made the globe to come up with the necessary measures which addresses issues of purchase, identification and commercial use of vessels. Today, more and more nations have been finding it absolutely applicable in the purchase of vessels in order to improve trade and military operations (Levie  Robert, 1979, p. 17).

The different processes that are applied in the acquisition of a vessel will vary with a number of factors. For instance, the way in which the vessel will be used, the legal procedures involved in that particular area, the size of the vessel, and the conditions on which that particular vessel is to be purchased (Giles, 1987, p. 84). In practical situations, the purchase of a small vessel like a boat will be less demanding in the processes involved in its acquisition. This will not be the case with big commercial vessels which have harder and more demanding processes of purchase. The purchase of small pleasure boats will usually be done in a way that satisfies the actual user of that particular boat, or the eventual owner. This will not be the case with the commercial cruise vessels. As we have already seen, during this process of vessel acquisition, there are a number of entities that are involved these include corporate entities in which the entity acting to be the owner is usually a charterer, or sometimes a lessee. Due to very many reasons that are usually related to the provisions of tax, majority of the people who own a vessel will choose to have measures of holding the property in form of charters. The owner of the commercial vessel will thus become the charter here.

Over the past few years, the number and nature of documents and the processes involved in acquisition have been on the change. Today, there are a number of documents that have to be applied for and used in the acquisition or the sale of commercial vessels. The major documents considered during any sale or purchase of a vessel will include letters of intent, the sales contract, the sale bill and a purchase order. These documents are applied as a whole in the process of the vessel acquisition. The use of documentation, however tedious and demanding it may be, has still been the most effective way through which the conduct of the business can be done. This ensures that all vessel owners meet these requirements before having the vessel allowed into the waters. This will ensure there is effective monitoring and management of the vessel operations.

From the documentations, the major documents that have been used in the sale of a vessel have been a letter of intent, sales contracts, purchase orders and bills of sale (Geoffrey, 1993, p. 47). Letters of intents in any process aimed in the acquisition or the sale of a vessel is just a small document which is used to hold the vessel during survey or when it is in the awaiting for a suitable financier. With commercial vessels, what are used most are the sale contracts. In this acquisition process, the sale contract is used to set in place the necessary conditions and terms that are appropriate for the vessel sale. The sale contract is used to specify the key obligations and rights which are held by the purchasing organ. In all the processes used in purchasing, there are several items that should be covered in the sale contract an important document in the purchase of a vessel. Some of these major items include the key descriptions of the particular vessel to be purchased, the identification number of the hull, the equipment identification and other relevant details, the relevant documentation details and numbers, the registration details, the inventory details, the sale details, the place and date of delivery, the mortgage statements, the necessary claims, and liens. There should also details indicating the conditions and terms of the survey since they are very important during the vessel acquisition process.

Before any purchase of a vessel, it would be necessary to note all the processes and legal processes which have to be addressed before the final purchase and acquisition. There is the use of Red Letter Clauses which have to be put in considerations before a ship has been purchased. Red Letter Clauses are important provisions with exculpatory clauses that are inserted in the contracts pertaining shipbuilding in order to ensure that all the duties, obligations, and rights of the builders are taken care of. Red Latter Clauses will basically be adopted in order to exclude any express or implied warranty on the vessel, put a defensive ceiling should there be any damage exposure on the vessel, limit the created time in filing suits, among others. Therefore, the rights and validity a under these Red Letter Clauses will be determined depending on the state law on the process of ship building industries and all contracts existing outside the admiralty jurisdiction (Geoffrey, 1993, p. 58). In most of the cases, the state law that has been applicable here is Uniform Commercial Code, Article 2.

In almost all machines and equipments purchased at large amounts of money, the issue of warranty has been very important. Warranties are therefore very important to both a ship builder and to any given corporation or individual purchasing a vessel straight from a given builder, or would be willing to rely on the naval architects services (Brooke, 1917, p. 44). The use of express warranties is very significant during vessel acquisition. Express warranties are affirmations of the facts that have been stated by the vessels seller and any other description of goods constituting the deal based between the seller and the buyer of the vessel. These are usually contained in the sale contracts which are usually written. Two major implied warranties will be very important the first one is an implied merchantability warranty and the Implied Fitness Warranty for a specific use. The implied merchantability warranty is used as an assurance that all the goods to be sold out meet the minimum requirements and standards of international trade and can satisfy the end user with the right purpose behind the usage of the good. On the other hand, fitness warranty is usually made for a specific purpose so that the commodity is taken by the end user to be able to meet the minimum requirements. In this case, the user will have based his idea on the sellers ability and skill of providing him with the best product which offers the best use experience.

Another important document in purchasing a vessel is a bill of sale. This is a document which undertakes to transfer the title to the purchased vessel (Giles, 1987, p. 38). Nations and states will have a special form in which the transactions for the vessel sale are to be done. For example, in the United States, the Coast Guard has a special form and in the acquisition terms, that only federal form is what will be used in the documentation of a vessel. Basically, a purchase order is just a document which acts as a contract normally used for the purchase from manufacturers or for the special order of a vessel. It is normally provided with the necessary limitations to liabilities and the items inventories included.

There is a lot of money involved when it comes to the acquisition of commercial vessels. Just as their size implies, these vessels would cost the buyer a lot of money which call for measure in which these monies have to be handled. Given to these large amounts of money, the vessel mortgage becomes the central in the transaction (Hughes, 1983, p. 44). The Ship Mortgage Act was passed in the year 1920, and conferred the lien maritime status into vessel mortgages. What this meant was that they would become entitled to the jurisdiction admiralty. However, this Act covered only mortgages on the vessels purchased in the United States and of over two hundred tons and above. In the year 1935, this Act was then expanded with the aim of relaxing the two hundred ton minimum requirement, and be extended to the appropriate status for the mortgage as under this Act. This would be extended to the mortgages values on foreign vessels.

The Congress came up with real efforts which would be applied in attracting the private capital investors to effectively finance the construction and vessel fleet operations. This did not come into place until in the year 1936 when the Merchant Marine Act (Goldrein, 1985, p. 32). Title eleven of this Act was useful in creating a federally accepted system which guaranteed the insurance and financing of vessels. After the enacting of Ship Financing Act, in the year 1972, the Congress came up with measures of expanding and consolidating Title Eleven program. This would be necessary when making an order in the making of ships and in the financing. This would result in risk-free operations which would be effective for both the investor and the buyer.

The initiation and development of the program Title XI since then has been able to bring great situational importance when it comes to the financing of commercial vessels. Without the financing it may not be easy to acquire the vessel (Goldrein, 1985, p. 36). The guarantee in this operation pledges its full belief and credit when it comes to the payment of interests and principals on the obligations guaranteed. This guarantee of the principal is usually restricted to about 75 percent of the cost incurred in the building, the re-construction and in the re-conditioning of the vessel, as it will be determined by Commerce Secretariat. The guarantee here will be secured by mortgages that are entitled to the required status as under Mortgage Act. Also, the existing vessels may be mortgaged when necessary as a way of securing any future ship-building.
For a mortgage to be able to have the preferred status, there are a number of formalities that have to be followed. Section 926 of the Act requires that three major conditions should be put into considerations before the mortgaging, the sale bill, or the conveyance to be admitted to the record (Goldrein  Turner, 2003, p. 86). The major considerations that have to be put into consideration are one, any document or mortgage should be stating the grantor or mortgagors interest on the vessel, and also the interest mortgaged, sold or conveyed. Two, any other relevant document for mortgage should be acknowledged to a notary or any other qualified official in the public sector. Three, once the port in which the vessel was documented has been changed, the custom collector at the new port in which new documentation is to be done should be furnished with a copy which is certified, and showing all the details of the vessel as indicated from the original port.

The mortgage also sets in place a number of additional requirements. The mortgage in the acquisition and purchase of a vessel will include the property of all other integral part of the vessel and shall not be held as a preferred mortgage until it is able to provide for all the separate property discharge through the payment of the stated portion of mortgage indebtedness (Hubert, D 1987, p. 27). Once the preferred mortgage is able to provide for these separate discharges, the portion amount of the payment will therefore have to be indorsed through the documentations for the vessel. In that connection, a mortgagee should thus be compliant with all public notices and provisions as stated in the vessels Mortgage Act. The requirements are that mortgage is supposed to be recorded properly by the customs collector, and there should also be the provision of necessary information concerning that mortgage as indorsed in the vessels papers. Precisely, there are two documents supposed to be part of this documentation. The first of these two documents is the original document mortgage as executed by the two parties, the seller and the purchaser. The second acts as an affidavit document to an effect that this particular mortgage has been made or stated in good faith and absolutely without any notion of hindering, defrauding, or delaying any of the existing or even a future-day creditor of the lienor or the mortgagor vessel which has already been sold or mortgaged. This requirement therefore lies in the jurisdictional depths, and should the affidavit be not filed, or with improper filing, the mortgage will not be in a position of receiving the preferred mortgage status.

The search of liens has also been indicated as another very important integral in the acquisition or sale of a vessel. This is the case whether the vessel is a pleasure boat or if it is a big commercial cruise vessel (Hubert, 1987, p, 51). It has been already mentioned, any kind of a vessel will be highly burdened by any mortgage if it can be recorded duly. It is also possible for some other liens that have been recorded to be present. Once the vessel has been keenly documented, the appropriate search can be done by the states Coast Guard Offices and Marine Inspection. This is something which is done on the home-port of the vessel where the mortgages or liens which are remaining against that particular vessel this should be in accordance to the information as contained in the documentation files. If a given vessel has been registered, a thorough search will be done following the records with the countys clerks. From this information the court can be able to have its jurisdiction power in order to determine the port from where the vessel had been registered, or the place where vessels owner can be found or where the owner corporation is domiciled. Unfortunately, it has been noted that it can be possible for hidden liens to be present in such a way that they cannot be easily discovered during the selling time.

The present system in the purchase of a vessel is quite complex as implicated in all the relevant procedures. The complexity of the entire process has been found in the sale and purchase document, which has very many parts and procedures that have to be fulfilled in the entire process. Once given parties have come to an agreement about a given vessel acquisition, there are a number of common agreements they have to come with. In the consideration of the truthful premises and the necessary covenants as contained in the purchase agreement, and any other valuable good consideration, the appropriateness and adequacy of the receipt as acknowledged by the two parties, there are a number of agreements the two have to make (Johan, 1992, p. 46). In the procedures of acquisition, the vessel seller will thereby be willing or agree to sell the vessel, he should also convey and as well transfer it to the purchaser, and the purchaser will have to agree of purchasing the vessel from the purchaser, then upon the completion of the vessel and a successful delivery from the builder to the buyer, the two should present their documents to a Shipbuilding Contract which is subject to all the relevant terms and conditions as already set forth within the limits of the Agreement.

The vessel dealer and seller will be required to promptly make the necessary notifications and inform the Purchaser in form of writing if, at any given chance during the manufacturing and the contract performance, the production schedule of the ships builder is estimated to go beyond the actual agreed date of vessel delivery and the relevant delivery date will differ for more than five days. The manufacturing schedule will also need to be notified to the purchaser in the specific dates should the manufacturing of the vessel take more days as it had originally been anticipated. This makes the process quite tedious and complex hence demanding changes so that the process can possibly be done in a much easier manner (Milburn, 1985, p. 78). The procedures may be complex and undermine the rates in which more and more purchasers will be willing to purchase a new vessel. Should these processes be smoothened, then it will make the system more reliable, user-friendly, and extremely effective.

Still with the sale and purchase agreement as a very important yet demanding part of the documentation, the vessel seller, in the sole discretion, will be required to accelerate the procedure of vessel delivery, and the delivery date through the provision of a written document to the buyer. This forms a legal basis that the purchaser was supplied with the relevant document for any delays faced between the process of purchase and delivery of the product (Milburn, 1985, p. 83). Should in any case the seller in one way or another accelerate the date of delivery in persuasion of the subsection, the new date already stated will now become the Delivery Date in order to streamline the purposes of liquated determination of damages in accordance to Article VI and the right of the Purchaser of cancelling the Agreement pursuant in accordance to Article XI. In any extent that a given purchaser has some obligations in accordance to the Agreement as based on the date of delivery, the purchasers commitment to the obligations will be required to get an extension which is reasonable as required by the Purchaser, and the process should be in reference to all the necessary adjustments on the original date of delivery.

This will be the case provided that there is no any adjustment to the obligations of the purchaser in making the delivery payment in accordance with the Agreement. About fourteen days close to the stated or projected date of vessel delivery, the employees already recruited by the purchaser and the relevant agents and contractors prior to the projected delivery date will be entitled to have the access they would need from the vessel and even engage in any similar activities and also perform in it such a work as already specified by the purchaser (Lorange, 2005, p. 45). This provision is quite necessary since it helps the employees and clients to comfortably specify their duties and familiarize themselves with the vessel. This should be done provided that the activities done on the purchasers part does not in any way interfere with the work that is being performed on the vessel by the builder, or it does not contravene to form of collective bargaining as with the original agreement between the ship-builder and the purchaser.

With the Norwegian form of vessel sale and acquisition, very many requirements of documentation and signatories have to be done. Norway has been one of the ship-building countries supplying the biggest and effective ships in modern world. The documentation process of ship purchase or sale has been marred with very much requirements which in the process have been rendering the process quite demanding and time-consuming. The documentation process takes a very long time so that willing purchasers end up being scared in the process. This is what has been calling for amendments in the process so that people and organization can be able to acquire a vessel through a cheaper process.

Basically, from all the legalities and procedures involved in the purchase of a vessel, the requirements and commitments that have to be fulfilled are quite complex and the reason the necessary amendments have to be invented so that the process can be done in a better manner. This will ensure that the complexity of the acquisition systems and all the documentations does not interfere with the process and lead to discouragements in the purchase of vessels. Once that has been done, it will be quite easy for any corporation or individual to acquire a vessel within a very short time. This process will definitely improve the nature of the process and eventually bring about better performances in the business and mission in which the vessel is going to be used for.

Chapter Three Data Collection and Methodology
So as to come up with good data and results from the study which would give us the true hardships in the present vessel acquisition processes, it would be very necessary that we used a classical methodology which would ensure that the necessary information was obtained from the relevant people who have been involved in the business for the longest time possible. This would ensure that the relevant data is outsourced, and which would give the necessary recommendations on how the system can now be improved. In order to effectively understand the problem within the current processes of vessel acquisition by adopting the Norwegian form of vessel acquisition, we would involve the use of two indices. One of these two indices would be to come up with information regarding the views of the current acquisition process from the current vessel sellers and builders and how they feel about the present bureaucracy if the process is quite challenging, undermining and extremely ineffective.

The index would be to look for the views of the purchasers and any other people who may have in any way been involved in this rigorous vessel acquisition process. This can be seen as one index or approach to the study, but different views obtained from the two players would definitely be reliable in helping us come up with the necessary conclusions and recommendations which can be applied in making the process more attractive, friendly, and thereby making more and more people willing to purchase vessels, and the eventual outcome will be successful business and trade operational around the global setting. This is because most of the vessels today have been used for the purposes of trade and meeting organizations goals and objectives.
The use of this strategy in collecting the relevant data and information would be appropriate in and reliable in ensuring that we obtained reliable data. The process of vessel acquisition will be improved once the hurdles existing in the current practices are resolved in an intelligent manner. The information that will be gathered from the respondents will therefore be a good measure to what extend these systems becomes challenging, and in what ways have they been hindering the entire vessel acquisition process. In this study, the purchaser dissatisfaction with the process of vessel acquisition will be based on the actual time span within which a particular vessel will be delivered from the seller to the purchaser, and the number of documentations that have to be handled to the completion of the purchase system and delivery process.

In order to ensure that our data was of high quality and predictive enough, the main basis in the determination of the time and the process of vessel acquisition would be determined by the overall number of legal documents involved, the number of individuals and players involved in the purchase process, the number of days it may take to acquire a commercial vessel, and the causes that these delays in the process lead to. So as to ensure appropriate information is gathered, it would be better that we involve various sizes of vessel and see how every size of a vessel is handled when it comes to the purchase process. This will ensure that we have the right picture on how the differences exist, and this will be necessary when more studies are to be done with the aim of making the process simple and purchaser-friendly. It is assumed that the use of primary data, which will be mostly applied in this study, will be relevant for the study, as it is always the case. However, we should also understand that the process of acquiring primary data may not be always easy, it would be necessary to come up with means of ensuring that we also integrate secondary sources so that we can complement our primary-sourced data. This way we can be in a position of having the necessary proposals and recommendations in making the process easier and more reliable.

There are a number of factors which we had presumed to threaten the present process of vessel acquisition or sale.  These factors include the very many documentation that have to be used in the process, the processes through which the documentation procedure has to pass, the number of players involved, and so on. Once these requirements have to be done, it becomes very tedious, and in addition, the vessel will also have to undergo another rigorous process of identification and marking once the transaction has been successfully completed. Therefore, it would necessary to evaluate all these factors and come up with reasonable amendment strategies that can be done on the process and making it more effective with vessel acquisitions. The other important thing in the study would be the determination of the reasons why there is the existence of these rigorous acquisition processes. This is necessary in ensuring that the final process that is advocated or suggested meets the same requirements as with the present processes. This is to ensure that we do not make the system more ineffective than we may have thought.

The other important thing was to effectively determine how the slowed process has been impacting on the industrial performance and corporations operations. This would be a key tool which would help us gain the necessary argument why the present vessel acquisition processes need to be addressed. From the impacts occurring from the process, it would be very necessary for the concerned to note the losses incurred in the process in terms of money and time, and thus they would be willing to adopt any newly proposed procedure addressing all these problems, and which can be applied with the lowest expenses and saving a lot of precious time. Therefore, in order to ensure that the necessary and useful data would be obtained, we employed the use of relevant questionnaires which were distributed to a number of parties and people who were working in different parts vessel transaction points and those individuals who may have been involved in the purchase of a vessel. So as to ensure that the data and information gathered was of very high quality, it was very necessary for us to distribute the questionnaires indiscriminately. The questionnaires were also distributed in different shipbuilding companies and to develop levels of the transactional structures in order to ensure that the data and information obtained would be varied and homogenous. This was necessary in helping in the capturing of the very relevant data which would give the true representation of the entire process and how tedious should be.

The questionnaires used had been structured in a way that they all contained open-ended short questions, and also the use of closed ended questionnaires. During the study, all the respondents who were to be interviewed had been required to ensure that they provided only the necessary information they had with them, and also indicate their suggestions on how the current process can be improved. This would also involve the use of e-questionnaires which will be posted in the internet so that the people willing to give the relevant information can be able to do so. This will ensure that varied data is obtained which can be of greater use in improving the systems. All the respondents had to be requested to give information and the main reasons why they thought the systems of vessel acquisition were inappropriate. The data that was collected was then used by compiling it together and coding it in order to reduce its bulkiness, and finally analyzing it by the use of linear regression techniques.

Chapter Four Critical Review and Analysis
In order to be able to critically review and analyse the process, it would be better that we enumerate the specific processes and documents that are applied during vessel acquisition and sale process. As we have seen earlier, there is a lot of documents used thus making the process hard and time consuming. If it could be easy to come up with a new system that solves all the problems faced with the current legal systems in the acquisition of vessels, then the process would be effective, time-saving, and encouraging more and more players to participate in the business. This will make it easy for any individual, state or corporation to effectively purchase a vessel.

From the initial stages, an individual or corporation wanting to have a commercial vessel may decide to apply for ship-building process in which a possible ship manufacturing country is identified. This company will thus be given the mandate to tailor the vessel depending on the requirements of the eventual owner. From the study, we note that these operations are quite complex and it is through such importation processes that a lot of time wasted, and even resources. From the data obtained, more and more people have been noted not be comfortable with most of the documents that have to be used during the purchase of a vessel. This is because of the procedures that have to be followed.

The issue of taxation has also been raised was the major reason why many importers of these vessels would rather register their vessels a charter other than lessees. Why is that so The imposition of exorbitant taxes during the process of importation will be quite discouraging, and the final result is decreased purchase of the vessels. Once that happens, experts have argued that it must definitely result in reduced economic growth. Therefore, the removal of the taxes, or trimming them to understandable limits, may be a finale solution which satisfies the requirements of importers thus making them increase their importations (Lorange, 2005, p. 68).

Because of these processes, which have a lot of bureaucracy, more and more people have been noted to be no longer willing to operate their vessels in their home countries. This is because of the existing purchase and operational requirements that may not be necessary after all. For example, a number of Americans owning these equipments and boats have been reported not to operate their vessels with the countrys name because of the intensive application processes. The issue of licensing, identification and monitoring has also been intensified in the country with more and more terrorism threats being announced (Mandaraka, 2002, p. 46). This may be a good idea, after all terrorism is known to pose the greatest danger to the people, but then, these procedures could be easily reverted by application of more user friendly operations and systems which improve efficiency without necessarily compromising the entire acquisition system.

The other great important thing that has been seen to derail the system is the legality of the documentation processes. Although the use of paperwork is something that has been done by man for so long, it should be noted that it is quite tedious and time-consuming. This is because there are very many places that have to be signed and therefore the eventual outcome will not be different should the process have had been done through use of electronic means. The use of papers has also been compromised after the occurrence of fire and the sinking of boats and big vessels this will usually result from the possible loss of the documents. Also, there are a number of issues that have to be addressed in order to ensure that everything is done in the right manner.

This issue of documentation is what has been worrying the greatest people. From this study, we have been able to agree that there are very many documented requirements that have to be met during the acquisition and of ocean cruise vessels. These requirements have hence been seen to make the process involve very many complex transactions. For instance, there has been the issue of admiralty law. Although this applies in the purchase of a vessel, it has also not been applying with the sale of a vessel. Only a few guidelines will have to be provided for an effective application of admiralty during the vessel sale. There is also the Uniform Commercial Act that has to be applied once a given vessel is to be purchased as an individual property or for personal use. This is quite a complex process which makes sure that any willing buyer meets the requirements of the Act. Because of the existence of the Act, the individual or corporation will have to look for these legal requirements and bring forth a document that acts to prove that the requirements have been keenly met (Michael, 1980, p, 57). Also, with this Uniform Code, the courts will also be given the necessary jurisdiction. This means that the process will once again be made complex as well.

This therefore leads us to believe that there are very many hurdles in the process. This issue of documentation does not end with the Formal Act. This is because the process will tend to be progressive from the initial request until the final vessel registration. During the very beginning, the individual may decide to go and buy a vessel that has already been completed, or may as well decide to have requirements in which the vessel should come with. This means that there will be a lot of discussions and negotiations before initiating the construction process (Michael, 1980, p. 50). After that stage, the two will then enter into an agreement that this particular ship-building company is going to build this particular vessel for this particular individual. In that case, when it comes to the acquisition or sale of a vessel, these issues will begin all the way from the contracting up to the registration process. For example, when an individual or a corporation is to purchase a vessel, the initial process is the tendering in agreement will contain the necessary information concerning the specifications of the vessel, the size, the eventual use, and so on. It is this agreement which binds the purchaser and the builder so that any withdrawal can be easily produced for legal explanations. 

As well, there are a number of existing differences in the terms and requirements necessary for the purchase of a pleasure boat and that of a commercial vessel. For a small boat intended for personal pleasure purposes, the acquisition requirements will have to be made by the owner and in the same name of the boats actual user. This is not the case with the larger commercial cruise ships. This means that it would be a little bit more cumbersome to acquire a big vessel. During the purchasing process, there have been indications that even corporate entities will be involved in the vessel acquisition procedures. There is also the incorporation of an entity who, or which, acts as the rightful owner, and he becomes a charterer or a lessee. This means that an individual may decide to register his vessel as a charterer or a lessee. As from the study, we have noted that many owners of vessels will like to choose the charterer property owner because of the complex tax provisions existing during the purchasing process. This therefore brings in another weakness in the process acquisition processes. These are the major barriers that have been seeing more and more vessel owners registering their vessels with another country other than the countries they are citizens of.

As we have already noted, there are also very many documents that are used during the sale and purchase of vessels, whether for commercial or for private purposes. Some of the major documents that have been used as reported in the study are intent letters, sale contracts, bill of sales, and purchase orders. These are documents that have to be used in all the stages of the vessel acquisition. For instance, majority of the people working with the manufacturing industries and vessel monitoring and registration affairs appear to be much comfortable with the process. This is because they believe that the use of these documents is quite relevant and maintains the relevant integrity of the system. This ensures that all people willing to purchase a vessel undergo through the same rigorous acquisition process.

From the beginning of the acquisition process, there is the letter of intent. This is a very crucial legal document which is used in holding a vessel as it awaits a pending financing or vessel survey (Moloney, 2006, p. 49). At sometimes, instead of holding a ship with the letter of intent, a sale contract can as well be used to serve the same purpose. This contract is used to spell out the relevant conditions and terms behind the vessel sale. These documents are used in specifying the major obligations and rights of the both parties. With this document, a number of items have to be indicated concerning that particular vessel. These are items like the vessels summary, the identification number of the vessels hull, identification numbers for the engine and any other vital equipment, the registration of the components and the entire vessel, the inventories for all equipments included in the sale of the vessel, the price value of the vessel, and finally the terms of payment for the vessel.

Although the above documents are quite useful, the rate at which it will take an individual to acquire them is what brings the delays. As more and more people wish to have these vessels for trade operations and other military purposes, the process may take very long with a lot of delays (Patricia, 1983, p. 35). Because of the delays, a lot of precious time end up being wasted which could have been easily averted by the adoption of a better, fast, and reliable system. For instance, most of the details of any given vessel can be provided in e-documentations which can be easily accessible anywhere around the world instead of having them contained in a small piece of document. Once these details have been made available through electronic means, the owners of the vessel may be required to download the details with a password that has been provided by the dealer. This process will ensure that most of time is not wasted, and no much delay is experienced in the entire purchasing processes.

There are other statements giving the shipbuilder the ceiling preventing them from any liability should the vessel injure itself. This is because he has been able to build the product to his very best, and then he has sold it in its best condition. This thus sets the grounds that an admiralty claim can never be brought to the builder in case of a loss claimed should the vessel injure itself. This has been provided for by the Red Letter Clauses which have to be signed by the two parties. The other important occurs with warranties which are quite important for the builders of vessels and also to the ones with the decision of purchasing a vessel straight from its builder.

These are also other important documents that have to be signed during the purchase of vessels. This brings about a written agreement between the two parties about the vessel, and becomes binding between them. We should also be keen on noting that two warranties have been implied to be important during this process. There is the implied merchantability warranty, and the implied fitness warranty. These two have a role they play which becomes a legal bind between the purchaser and the buyer. With these warranties, it appears that they try to safeguard the builder so much than the purchaser of the vessel. For example, the fitness warranty specifies that the purchaser has pre-information and bases his trust on the companys ability to offer him with appropriate vessels which meet the international requirements, and therefore anything to do with the vessels self destruction wont place the manufacturer entirely responsible.

The other important document is the sale bill. This is a very important document used when transferring the necessary title to the already purchased vessel. Different countries have been reported to have different structures and guidelines in which their vessels are sold, imported, or exported. This makes them use different documentation procedures which are quite applicable depending on the nature of the people, the purpose of the vessel, and the area in which the vessel will operate in. this has therefore been seeing different nations trying to adopt the same in an effort to lessen the time taken during the vessel acquisition processes. The need therefore has been to bring the best of operations in the process so as to ensure integrity in the process and at the same time be able to serve the greatest number of clients as possible.

The other important documents used during the acquisition of vessel are purchase orders. Purchase orders are just contracts that are used when there is a vessel purchase straight from the manufacturers, or when there is an intention to order for one. This order will contain the provisions of liability limitations and the inventories that have to be included in the purchase (Patricia, 1983, p. 46). There should also be the need to search for liens whether the acquisition process is for a small boat or a big commercial vessel.

There is also the most complex procedure of meeting the requirements of the mortgage as under the Ship Mortgage Act. If all these documents were to be dealt with at once, it will prove to be hard and the reason it would be better to think of how this can be done in a better way. Therefore, the current process of acquisition has been very complex and demanding a lot of document signing. The only solution that can be given here is coming up with a system which ensures that the existing delay is greatly minimized, the time spent in the operations be reduced, and at the same time make all the follow-up processes such registration and monitoring as easy as well. Once a good system has been designed, it should be applied in all the acquisition operations and even be extended for use with plane purchasing and selling. This will save most of the time wasted in the operations, and at the same time be able to track a vessel once it has disappeared in the deep seas.
Quantity surveying has been a profession widely regarded with prestige and high respect due to the valuable contribution given by the practitioners to the entire construction industry. In their profession, quantity surveyors act as the main financial consultants in the construction industry. Their training and expertise puts them at a proximal position to give advice regarding to cost and other contractual planning as well as in preparation of documents related to building contracts. A case study on the quality of service delivered by these professionals and ho w they are meeting their clients and market demands in South Africa gives us a worrying trend. Over the recent past, there has been a slackening attitude towards these practitioners by the consumers of their service in the terms of the quality of their service delivery (Tarr, et al, 2006, p.85). The current crop of quantity surveyors seems not to be meeting clients demands and expectations which has become a matter of concern.

The profession seems to have reached its dusk stage. A closer view of this industry has been necessitated by the need to understand the challenges and other opportunities that this scenario presents to practitioners in South Africa and other African countries. In this context, application of cradle-to-grave concept is very suitable (Zelner, 2008, pp.214). This concept refers to two phases of a subject where the cradle phase is the time when a given subject has a lot of life and seen to make a significant contribution. On the other hand, the grave phase is the period when a subject moves from its productive phase to a period of little or no activity. Looking at the quantity surveying profession in South Africa, one cannot stop to question whether this profession is has already moved from cradle phase to grave phase. The level of dormancy and low level of satisfaction both from practitioners and the clients seems to support this view to a large extent. To address this problem, we need to focus on the source of the underlying challenges so as to know where the problem lies. We also seek to answer the question of whether the practitioners are getting the right kind of training. The major regulating bodies involved and their equivalent contribution in maintaining the high level of integrity of this profession (Association of South African Quantity Surveyors, n.d).

The entry to industry procedures and whether there is adherence to the ethics of the profession. In addition, we need to know whether the practitioners are getting the right satisfaction in their jobs.
Background history of quantity surveying in South Africa
Emergence of construction of complicated housing designs in South Africa and other African countries came with the arrival of Europeans. In the early days, the task of getting at an exact estimate of cost for each stage of such building became a complex undertaking as each builder had to prepare a separate bill of quantities.

The idea of employing a surveyor who could measure the quantities of all building requirements brought about economy of work. Consequently, building owners saw it as beneficial for them to appoint and pay for the services of a quantity surveyor. By this, the existence of independent quantity surveying services achieved a consultant and professional status. In South Africa, the term gained its recognition and usage after the passing of the Quantity Surveyors Act of 1970 (Government Gazette, 2009). This was exclusively reserved for personnel with necessary qualifications and experienced as required by this Act. One of major qualification apart from training was registration with the South African council of Quantity Surveyors before serving in the public. Another requirement which is still in force is the adherence to a strict code of conduct.

This code of conduct requires the practitioners to act responsibly towards their clients, employers and profession with a full regard of the public interest. This conduct is aimed at helping in upholding the dignity and good reputation of the quantity surveying profession (Bowen, et al, 2010, p.p.49). In addition, it helps the quantity surveyors to carrying out their duties efficiently, promptly and in a competent manner.
Among the major duties conducted by quantity surveyors in South Africa include the estimation and advice on cost, planning for cost, advice on property development, advice on tendering procedures and other contractual agreements.

Current trends
From the client field of view, one can clearly see that, the present day performance of quantity surveyors in South Africa is very poor. This view has also been acknowledged by the Association of South African Quantity Surveyors, who have received complains from public over the inferior services from professionals in this field. A research by Southern African academicians has gone further to establish that the pre-tender estimating performance of South African professionals is always less accurate and less consistent in comparison to that of their foreign counterparts. Another recent study has gone further to establish that, there has been no any notable improvement in estimating performance. In addition, the construction time estimation of South African quantity surveyors trails behind that of their international counterparts.

A study on the procurement issues has revealed many flaws in the methods applied and service levels of by South African quantity surveyors. This has also brought to the limelight the theoretical and technological ignorance and use of unsatisfactory channels of communication between environmental and built professionals. Over 70  of clients are also not satisfied with the type of communication they have with their quantity surveyors (University of Witwatersrand, n.d). 

As seen earlier, it has been a common phenomenon for the stakeholders to complain about indecency of work done by the quantity surveyors in this profession. It is of basic sense to put the blame squarely on the doors of training institutions. This is on the basis of the institutions failure to produce people professionals with adequate skills. In addition, the clients are also in look-out for people who have gone through programs which have an environmental concern in their application. Lack of regular audits in profession also has been pointed as a cause of slackness in performance of quantity surveying professionals. The profession has also been said to have neglected the rural development projects which is very necessary in a growing nation.

New trends
In its strive to address the dissatisfaction from the clients and improve the public image of this profession, the government through the Parliamentary monitoring group in October of 2009 was presented with a report by the Council for the Built Environment (CBE). In this report, the council set targets on how to meet its legal requirements through attaining five objectives (Engineeering News, n.d). First, improving stakeholder relations and creating partnerships. Second, improving of performance and delivery of skills. Third, ensuring there is alignment of activities of the council wit a national importance. Fourth, ensuring there is an effective and efficient public protection to the regime of quantity surveying. And lastly, transforming and consolidating of the regulatory institutional and structural framework that is involved in regulation and functioning of the council and its professionals.

According to these new trends, regulating councils in South Africa and other African nations has a challenge of making sure that the profession is meeting their obligations through promotion of various values. Such achievements can be achieved by promotion and protection of interests of the public. Promotion and maintenance of a sustainable built environment and natural environment. Promotion of a progressive development in human resource in a built environment. Facilitation of the participation by built the environment professionals in integrated development. Promotion of the application of appropriate standards of health, environmental protection and safety in the built in environment (Parliamenytry Monitoring Group, 2009). Promotion of sound governance of built in environment experts. Promotion of liaison in the training field in the republic and other areas. Formation of a platform where the relevant professionals can discuss the relevant issues and ensuring there is a cross board application of professional customs and guidelines as set by the profession and regulating bodies.

Opportunities for change
A major focus needs to be shifted to the registration procedures of the professionals practicing on the field. In addition to the focus on the training offered to the professionals in the tertiary institutions, one would consider a proposal of educational exchange programs with other training institutions out of the country to give the young professionals a global view of practice. At the level of accreditation, these institutions should embrace the use of logical and objective assessments in their assessment. The learning should be oriented to practice rather than just assign the examination and consequent accreditation (Nkado, 2008). The administrations should also have an aspiration of changing this mode of learning to that based on success of practice. The idea of learning as a continuous process should be embraced where the professionals should learn from the mistakes made so far and try to make things better.

The current scenario in the profession of quantity surveyors In South Africa is not a call for celebration. The appearance of many challenges has the potential for creating a great opportunity to a creative e mind in coming up with an evolutional strategy that can save the industry forever. The acknowledgement by both industry players and the consumers of the service can form a good platform for making corrections. Any implementation of noteworthy improvements lies in the hands of the management of regulating councils of the various built environment experts. Changes in registration procedures would require a change in perception of these council members in the terms of ensuring that there is a formation and sustenance of a viable process driven by knowledge as its top priority (AAC Report, 2008). In addition, every practitioner has his or her role to play in ensuring that this profession regains its glory by making an individual contribution. One has a role in ensuring that he or she contributes towards a positive growth by following the ethics of profession putting in mind other public considerations. 

In addition, other African professionals have the chance to develop a global view of their profession by breaking the culture of domestic view of their professional practices. A continued failure of local professionals will lead to a takeover by more efficient professionals from other countries as the world moves to a global village.